We spent 4 of the days setting up and manning the Unwind Yarns booth. It was so much fun selling yarn to all the wonderful fibre-y people.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Back from the Sunshine Coast...
Wow! I had so much fun in Gibsons! But it is nice to be home. The Gibsons Landing Fibre Festival was amazing. It was a crazy 5 days!

We spent 4 of the days setting up and manning the Unwind Yarns booth. It was so much fun selling yarn to all the wonderful fibre-y people.

I even did some designing while we were there. I made a pretty shawl brooch out of this funky bead I bought the first day. The lady who sold the beads was so impressed with my idea she made more of them and gave me a bag of free beads for "inventing" the brooch. So that night I designed a set of stitch markers with my free beads. I had to use a few of Shannon's beads too. Then Shannon did the wire bending part and added a jump ring and voila! stitchmarkers. They are little flowers, they even have dirt! Notice the pretty backgrounds in my pics... that is some of the fabric I bought. See, isn't it pretty?

We spent 4 of the days setting up and manning the Unwind Yarns booth. It was so much fun selling yarn to all the wonderful fibre-y people.
I got to spend 4 days solid fondling yarn and making friends with all our booth-neighbours.
I bought a basket from Africa first and then proceeded to fill it up with yarn, fabric and beads. I bought fabric and I don't even sew. Crazy I am. But it was SO pretty and one day I might use it.
We had such a fabulous time. I can't wait until next year!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Getting Ready for Gibsons!
Next week is Gibsons Landing Fibre Arts Festival! 4 days of wonderful fibre-y fun!
I have been helping Shannon as much as I can to get ready. I learned to reskein yarn. I love untangling the tangled hanks. I haven't quite figured out how to turn the hanks into the tidy twists like Shannon does but no biggy... This weekend we had a reskeining sleep-over. I labelled 68 skeins of yarn. It was so much fun getting to play with all that pretty fibre! Here is a sneak peek of some of the colours.
Today, Sunday, I have spent the day making book marks, we are going to attach a stitchmarker that Shannon has made and sell them at the festival. It has been a lot of cutting and gluing but I got 70 made.
Shannon is going to be selling her yarn at the merchant mall and is letting me tag along to help! So, I took a few days off work and we are leaving for Gibsons on Tuesday night and coming back on Sunday. I am so excited for this little holiday!
I have been helping Shannon as much as I can to get ready. I learned to reskein yarn. I love untangling the tangled hanks. I haven't quite figured out how to turn the hanks into the tidy twists like Shannon does but no biggy... This weekend we had a reskeining sleep-over. I labelled 68 skeins of yarn. It was so much fun getting to play with all that pretty fibre! Here is a sneak peek of some of the colours.
Tomorrow I will do laundry and pack and the next day we will be heading out! Woo Hoo! I am so excited for Gibsons!
Hopefully I'll see you there...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Acrylic Invasion...
I know I should be working on my Ravelympics projects but how can I resist all the temptation of sorting through this mess and finding homes for this yarn.
I found one of my very first crochet projects, a large green granny square blanket made from red heart. I started this about 10 years ago. It looks like I got quite a few squares done. I even remember what pattern book the pattern was in so one day I may just finish this blanket. I found another patterned blanket kit I bought from Mary Maxim with cats in nice neutral shades of taupe, grey and black. I even have the matching latchook rug kit (what was I thinking). These each went into their own rubbermaid bucket and tucked into a corner out of sight.
The next treasure I found was a scrapghan. I had no idea it was big enough to call complete. I have been working on it for years. I started it about 8 years ago and crocheted the last row about 4 years ago. When ever I had a little bit of yarn leftover from a project I would add it to the pile. I changed colours every other row. I thought the blanket was about 3 feet long but when I unfolded it it was actually over 5 feet. I think it must have crocheted itself all this time that it was stuck in storage. I will donate this blanket to charity.
When I first learned to knit those hideous eyelash scarves were the trendy thing. In fact my first knitting project ever was scarf with a 5-stitch garter stitch border around stockinette. I knitted it in dark blue Bernat boa on dark blue needles. That project was doomed from the very beginning. I couldn't see the stitches; all the dark colours blended together. But when I finally finished it I was so proud I thought I would make boa scarves for everyone so I bought enough yarn to make 8 scarves and I finished 3. I still have yarn for 5 more scarves and now eyelash is not so trendy anymore. Sigh...
I finished sorting all the yarn into acrylic and cotton that I may use one day and acrylic that I will never ever use. The never-ever-yarn is in a take-to-goodwill pile with the scrapghan. The might-use-one-day-yarn is now occupying two cubes of my Expedit shelf. And I am still left with a whole bunch of acrylic that will make about fifty wonderful Mother Bear Project bears. I sent two bears off to Africa last year and would love to find the time to make several more.
I learned today that there is a big difference in 20 year old acrylic and present day acrylic. The old stuff is nasty itchy and yucky. The new stuff can be soft and very pretty. If someone offers you some of their old acrylic stash say "No thank you, I really haven't got anywhere to put it." Trust me, you don't want it. Same goes for novelty yarns, if its got tinsel, plastic or eyelashes in it just say no. These yarns are like spandex, they are trendy for a brief moment in time and then the memories haunt you for the rest of your life.
I should really get back to my Ravelympic Projects...
Monday, August 4, 2008
Going Cruising!
OMG OMG OMG! I am going on a cruise! This cruise to be exact.
I clicked on a Ravelry Ad one day and it took me to Craft Cruises. So I looked through all the cruising options; there was one up the Canadian East Coast, one to Hawaii, and many more. Some have a knitting focus or a crocheting focus. I picked the 1 week Alaska cruise because it departs from Seattle which is the easiest for me to get to, living on the west coast and all.
There will be knitting and beading classes on this cruise so I am looking forward to learning a bit of both. I have been emailing back and forth with Melissa at Craft Cruises and she has said this cruise is great because there are 3 days at sea so lots of time for crafty classes.
I have never been on a holiday like this before, Hubby doesn't think he will like cruises so he has no desire to go on one. But he said I can go!!! Its too bad its over a year away. This is really going to teach me some patience...
I clicked on a Ravelry Ad one day and it took me to Craft Cruises. So I looked through all the cruising options; there was one up the Canadian East Coast, one to Hawaii, and many more. Some have a knitting focus or a crocheting focus. I picked the 1 week Alaska cruise because it departs from Seattle which is the easiest for me to get to, living on the west coast and all.
There will be knitting and beading classes on this cruise so I am looking forward to learning a bit of both. I have been emailing back and forth with Melissa at Craft Cruises and she has said this cruise is great because there are 3 days at sea so lots of time for crafty classes.
I have never been on a holiday like this before, Hubby doesn't think he will like cruises so he has no desire to go on one. But he said I can go!!! Its too bad its over a year away. This is really going to teach me some patience...
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