Happy New Year Everyone!
I have been setting myself annual goals and tracking them on my Ravelry profile page. I achieved success in about half of last years goals. This year my goals are: - Make me a sweater.
- Finish my sampler skirt.
- Finish a lace project.
- Finish the Harry Potter Scarf.
- Make 4 Mother Bear Project Bears.
- Sell/Trade the Mary Maxim Cat Afghan and Rug kits.
- Blog at least twice per month.
So since January is more than half over I thought I better get a blog done or I will have failed my blogging goal before the first month is even over. I have already successfully completed one goal; trading the Mary maxim cat kits. I traded them for something really cool, but I will save that for my next blog post.
I have been working pretty steadily on my sampler skirt, it looks like I will need 1 skein of sock yarn per gore so I picked 4 more skiens out of my stash. Right now I am working on the second gore and doing it in the CCR colourway. I am absolutely thrilled with the results so far but it is an awful lot of brainless knitting.

The exciting part of this blog: NEW YARN! I bought my first handspun this month. I bought a beautiful 2-ply merino from SeeJayneKnit. It has shades of brown and gold with a bit of teal. Beautiful!

I also bought some single ply corriedale handspun from another etsy seller, MySweetSpot2. She listed a fabulous auction of 5 skeins that all coordinate, 2 multi coloured and 3 solid coloured. I just love these yarns! I have been stalking her shop looking for more of these sets. 

While surfing, I stumbled across a neat yarn club. It is a sample club for the Elann.Com clearance yarns. Every month they send you a small sample of the yarns they will be clearing out plus little snips of all the different colourways. I received my samples yesterday. They are so cute! I am determined to figure out some kind of teeny project to make them into, There is about 20grams of yarn total so I cant do much with it, I am thinking maybe a coffee cup sleeve, or maybe saving several months worth and making a crazy scarf...

The fuzzy dead-muppet yarn is soft but I cant imagine ever wanting to knit something out of it, the tweedy looking one has a sparkly strand of lame in it so it is quite pretty, the dark brown yarn is a beautiful merino and the yellow is cotton blend. None of these are really calling out to me to buy so I think my credit card will be safe in February.
'til next time...