Sunday, July 22, 2012

Tour de Fleece

The Tour de France started on June 30.  Me and a couple thousand other people have been spinning along with the cyclists on our wheels and spindles.  It is called the Tour de Fleece.  The goal is to spin every day the race is on, there are a couple of rest days and a challenge day.

I picked out a bunch of stashed fibres I wanted to spin.  And I spun all of it except one art batt kit.  I also spun a few other batts and roving I hadn't originally intended to spin.  I spun a lot of textured art yarns.  They were all either 2-ply or navajo plied.  A couple skeins even have beads worked in!  I spun every single day including the rest days.

Last year I participated in the Endless Art Batt Club offered by Lanitium ex Machina.  I managed to spin the all 7 batts and rovings.  They were so much fun to spin.  The colours were so different from anything I would have put together.  I really enjoyed being forced out of my colour comfort zones.  

My Grand Totals:

Weight: 4 pounds 13 ounces 

Finished Yarn: 2070 yards or 1.18 miles 

Singles & Plying: 7340 yards or 4.17 miles

Number of skeins: 18

Challenge: finding time and making beaded skeins

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